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Updated: Mar 8, 2021

On 11 February 2021, the International Day for Women and Girls in Science, NOGAFEM hosted a world class panel of speakers in a FIRST OF ITS KIND Gender Lens innovation summit

NOGAFEM’s model looks at how gender and sex analysis in research stimulates innovation and design thinking driving technological solutions that are specifically designed to match unmet needs and address the health of women.

Prof. KarolinaKublickiene demonstrated how sex and gender inclusion results in better research and more appropriate innovations, stressing the importance of our duty to provide better innovation to propel better technologies forward.

Prof. Valeria Raparelliand Prof. Avi Schroeder provided insights into the importance of considering sex and gender in the clinical and preclinical setting, how sex and gender variables can be included and how this affects precisionand personalized medicine.

Research is clearly the engine of innovation.

Dr. Chandra Leop addressed the "investor blindspot” when it comes to investing in women’s health and the exciting technology areas in women’s health that are attractive for investors as well as how diversity within research and innovation delivers better outcomes.

Our excitingpanel discussion chaired by Dr. RonellKlingman allowed us the insightsof where these professionals think touchpoints of Women’s Health innovation will be 5 years from now.

We had a totalof 407 registered participants with 150 live participants at the event,and appealed to a wide multidisciplinary and global audience.




Prof. Karolina Kublickiene highlighted how the GenderDimension adds value to innovations that are transforming healthcare and pointedout that the sex and gender analysis of research and innovations will be a requirement for all HORIZON Europe grants going forward.

The stress test for sex and gender equity of COVID-19is showing that we are lagging behind and women’s health conditions such as cardiovascular disease which can appear in pregnancy and in perimenopause alert us to the importance of understanding the differering pathophysiology of disease in women.

This allowus to innovate with diagnostic markers, new assessments and services that are tailored towards the unique presentation, diagnosis and management of women with CVD.

To read more go to:

Our physiological processesare unique, and in 10 years, medicinewill have begun to reflect that reality with diagnosis, treatments and healthcare deliverytailored to each individual.

Dr. ValeriaRaparelli took us throughan extra-ordinary journey into the world of how researchers are learning to incorporate sex and gender into retrospective or prospective clinical datasets in order to inform on differential clinicalrisk and outcomes.

Te secret of change is The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but building on the new

Exploring the effect of gender in clinical studies is informative and can boost to innovative solutions in health



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